Norrelag Styleguide

This is the style guide of Norrelag, a themed camp at Epic Empires.

What does Norrelag represent?

Norrelag represents an early medieval camp that integrates various peoples of that time. It includes typical Vikings (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, etc.), peoples from the East (Rus, Slavs, Balts, etc.), as well as Germanic peoples like the Frisians, Saxons, Normans, and other tribes.
An important aspect is the visually historical orientation. Horned helmets, drinking horns on belts, peculiar facial paintings, and similar poor Viking clichés will definitely not be found among us.

To dispel rumors directly: To participate with us, one does not need to create a grave representation, nor implement everything with hand stitching, nor use solely plant-based dyes, or adhere to similar exaggerated demands.
We also just cook with water, offer beginner-friendly entry options, and are forgiving if things aren't perfect as long as the overall concept fits into the camp.

How does the style check work?

The style check is implemented in our forum, and you can find instructions for it here.
The style check is private, and only our style checkers and the Norga have access to your style check. Furthermore, you can specify whether you want consultation or just a go/no-go for Norrelag.

Where can I find further information and consultation?

Your first point of contact is the website of the Great Army, where you can find a lexicon with lots of information, as well as a forum where many players are happy to provide advice (including in English). Additionally, we have a Discord server as an alternative to the forum.
Please note that information in the lexicon may become outdated over the years, as it is a community-maintained project. However, specific sections that we link to here are regularly updated by us to ensure accuracy.
Therefore, especially for inexperienced individuals, it is advisable to seek support in the forum or Discord to ensure that you get everything right from the start when approaching your first projects.

Styleguide pictures

These examples reflect an optimal generic representation. If you orient yourselves according to these, you will immediately receive a big thumbs-up during the style check, as there will be nothing to criticize.
Above all objects in the pictures, links are placed that lead to our lexicon. There you will find detailed information, patterns, purchase recommendations, further links, and everything else we could gather in terms of information.

Roles from our community

To show you the diversity of representations present in our community, we have compiled a few pictures for you here. Piercings, tattoos, inconspicuous glasses, and many other things are not a problem for us, contrary to persistent rumors.
Please note that there may be things in these pictures that do not perfectly adhere to the style guide! It's not a big deal, but don't take these pictures as perfect role models across the board.
If you want to avoid making mistakes, simply orient yourselves based on the above pictures + links. For anything else: feel free to ask in Discord or in the forum.